Google Swiffy Will Convert Flash Files to iPhone-Friendly HTML 5

Google unveiled a new tool for developers today called Swiffy — a simple converter that takes .SWF Flash files and transforms them into iPhone-friendly HTML5 code. It’s the latest experimental application to hit Google Labs, and while it works best with simple Flash animations, its results are rather impressive.

Anyone can use Swiffy by simply visiting There you can upload an SWF file and quickly convert it into HTML5…

Once Swiffy has done its work, you’ll be presented with an HTML5 file viewable in WebKit browsers, such as Apple’s mobile Safari browser built into iOS.

Swiffy will only convert simple Flash files built using the Flash 5 ActionScript specification, but the files it does support offer pretty impressive results. On Google’s Swiffy page, you can check out a gallery of adverts and games that have already been converted from Flash to HTML5, and I think you’ll agree that there’s no noticeable difference whatsoever. Other than, of course, the HTML5 games and animations will load up on your iPhone, whereas the Flash ones obviously won’t.

Have you tried using Swiffy to convert your Flash games or animations? What do you think of it?